Coaching / Mentoring

Is your creativity a little stuck?
Does the idea of putting brush to canvas make you nervous?
Are you contemplating how to expand the creative work you are already doing into new directions?

Perhaps a conversation, or two, with me would help you move forward. If you're interested in exploring this possibility, I'd be happy to chat with you. First thing I'd ask, though, is that you take a little time to compose and send me an email, describing your situation / challenge and what you're hoping to get from a conversation.

I may be exactly the right person to help you, but then again I may not. If it looks like I can help, we can take the next step(s). I'll let you know either way.

Please know that I do charge for my time. I know you will find the investment worthwhile if you are seriously ready to move into new territory. An hour is a good amount of time to hear your side, and then for me to offer my observations. You may only need one conversation, and that's ok.  $ 50 an hour. Zelle is best.  

Let me know if you'd like to chat.  [email protected] 


I have taught a variety of classes that utilize creative expression (mostly painting because it's easiest) to fuel personal transformation.  Teach what you know, right?  Back in the day, the classes were all in-person.  I'm considering offering classes online, now that technology has opened that avenue.  (I am also open to teaching in-person for those in the Phoenix area.)

I've listed two potential class topics below.  Please contact me if you are interested. [email protected]

NO MISTAKES ART CLASS This class introduces you to creating from your heart and intuition. You will learn to connect with your inner wisdom and to create from that place. You cannot make a mistake when you paint this way! It is a fun and enlightening way to explore your creativity!

PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION THROUGH ART In this multi-session course you will learn to listen to your inner guidance, release preconceived notions and judgments. Accept that there are no mistakes, just perfection yet to be realized.

Discover your untapped potential and expand your vision of yourself. Lessons in creative expression are really lessons about how to live, from the heart, in the moment, in the flow. They are about claiming your magnificence.

Whether you are facing a physical illness, in emotional turmoil, or just want some clarity for your future, the expressive painting style I teach helps to awaken your inner guidance. I offer you the opportunity to create, to imagine your best life through artistic expression.